venerdì 30 aprile 2021


Led Zeppelin - Live in Los Angeles, CA (March 24th, 1975) - NEW COMPLETE
articoli giornali..
Il lavoro strumentale di Robert Plant sugli album dei Led Zeppelin continua a essere sottovalutato

giovedì 29 aprile 2021

Led Zeppelin - Live in Tokyo, Japan (Sept. 23rd, 1971) - UPGRADE/BEST SOUND

Serata di apertura del primo tour giapponese; non ci sono molte parole per descrivere questo fantastico spettacolo! La voce di Robert è irreale e l'intera band, in particolare Jones e Page, sono decisamente in fiamme! Dopo la feroce Immigrant Song, Jimmy ha rotto una corda di chitarra e Plant ha fatto alcune osservazioni: "Capisco che in Giappone non molte persone parlano inglese. Comunque, ogni giorno sta migliorando. Vorremmo dire che finora abbiamo avuto un un momento incredibile, un momento meraviglioso. Non abbiamo ancora suonato un concerto e ci siamo davvero divertiti. Farò del mio meglio per rendere questo il momento migliore che abbiamo mai avuto, perché sembra essere una tale differenza per l'America. L'America non sembra più così buona, sfortunatamente. Forse migliorerà ". Dazed And Confused ha dei riff fantastici guidati da Jones e Page, e l'intero spettacolo, che culmina nell'eccezionale medley, è fantastico! Alcuni membri della folla sono saliti sul palco durante il Communication Breakdown e Robert Plant ha dovuto interrompere la canzone per un po '.
Immigrant Song,
Since I've Been Loving You,
Black Dog,
Dazed and Confused,
Stairway to Heaven,
Celebration Day,
That's the Way,
Going to California,
What Is and What Should Never Be,
Moby Dick,
Whole Lotta Love (medley incl. Let That Boy Boogie, Hello Mary Lou, Mess of Blues, I'm a Man, Tobacco Road, Good Times Bad Times, How Many More Times, You Shook me),
Communication Breakdown.

Led Zeppelin - How the East Was Won (Japan 1971 Live Album)

Some of you may remember me doing a Japan 71 compilation a while back, which can be found here:
I was always a bit unsatisfied with it because, for one, the longer songs were split up into multiple parts. Furthermore, the editing was a little sloppy and I discovered that the versions for some of the shows I used were not the best or were incomplete in some fashion.
So, I decided to do a revised compilation, using the best releases of each show and putting them together into one "super concert". Until Jimmy decides to put together an official release from this run, consider this the next best thing.
Since the Hiroshima show on September 27th was not multi-tracked, it has not been included.
All songs are complete. Only thing I had to leave out was Stairway due to copyright (for the record, I would've used the 23rd).
Here are the versions that I used for each show:
September 23rd - My own compilation of EVSD's "First Attack of the Rising of the Sun", Watch Tower's "Rock Carnival" and TDOLZ's "Reflection From a Dream"
September 24th - TDOLZ's "Light and Shade"
September 28th - Lighthouse's "Osaka 1971 1st Night"
September 29th - Wendy's "Live in Japan 1971 929"
0:00 Introduction - 23rd
4:49 Immigrant Song - 24th
8:44 Heartbreaker - 24th
17:31 Since I've Been Loving You - 23rd
25:38 Black Dog - 24th
33:04 Dazed and Confused - 29th
1:06:10 Please Please Me/From Me to You - 28th
1:07:51 Celebration Day - 29th
1:13:19 Bron-Y-Aur Stomp - 28th
1:17:21 Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (instrumental snippet) - 29th
1:17:45 That's the Way - 29th
1:25:33 Going to California - 29th
1:35:24 We Shall Overcome - 28th
1:38:01 Tangerine - 29th
1:41:38 Down By the Riverside - 28th
1:45:43 Friends - 29th
1:50:03 Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (snippet) - 29th
1:50:35 What Is and What Should Never Be - 23rd
1:55:48 Moby Dick - 29th
2:17:24 Whole Lotta Love - 23rd
2:55:10 C'mon Everybody - 28th
2:59:41 High Heeled Sneakers - 28th
3:04:13 Communication Breakdown - 29th
3:12:38 Organ Solo - 29th
3:17:01 Thank You - 29th

3:25:13 Rock and Roll - 29th


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